Friday, March 11, 2005


Yes folks I've been Missing in action. As I mentioned in an earlier post I've since returned to the company I wrote my original post about and one of my others.

I've now filled in for the one individual for his 6 weeks of absence and then I was off for one week and I started to write this post but got side tracked for some reason. I'm now back to that same company again for another week and 3 days for another individual who is currently off. I've been there a total of like 8 weeks and have resolved a few issues that it seems they had been working on for a few months.

Pretty sad I go into this place create a simple batch file to install all Windows Updates which I spoke about in an earlier post and my file corrects an issue they've had for some time and even had a project created to try to fix it - the issue was within one of their companies softwares.

What makes this even funnier is I was in the room with all those who have been working on this and just joking while installing a workstation, I told them "Ahhh, I could fix their problems in like 10 minutes". Never really thinking I could, was just teasing them, they just laughed and said they still haven't figured it out in months and pretty much a, "yeah right".

A few days later while talking to one of them they mentioned that the workstation I had placed over there didn't have the issue but all of the laptops did? I then had them test on a laptop I had just put a loadset on and ran my batch file on and it worked fine, no issue, then the light bulb went off in my head. I then ran my batch file on all of their laptops and the issue was resloved.

Of course the 8 year contractor and several other full time employees the next day put emails out stating that I found a resolution but of course they dug deeper to find out what truly fixed the issue, which I didn't really care because my batch file fixed it regardless, they had to add what they had done by digging into all the hotfixes I installed just so they could have some credit, so more or less the heros ended up being the 8 year contractor and a full time employee who was working on the issue for several months, not me. I pretty much got drilled to what now has been broken that my batch file was used? Either way, now they've since started upgrading all of their loadsets and using my batch file to get everything up to date, more or less doing what I said should have been done all along. You're welcome once again.

Just yesterday that same contractor who should be considered a full time employee since he's been there almost 8 years as a contractor if not longer. He was trying to fix a loadset and was unable to get USB 2.0 working on a Windows 2000 machine, after about an hour or so of toying with it with another person I stepped in and about 10 minutes later USB was working the way it was supposed to.

Sometimes I just get home and ask why am I the one that can't get a job anywhere in IT and why am I the one always on unemployment. Yes I'm a loose cannon but at least I get the job done and try to help anyone and everyone the best I possibly can...


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