Saturday, November 26, 2005

Turning Off Comments!!!

Wouldn't you know it, what you'd think would be a great thing to have on your blog is Comments?

A way to have people rebut what you say and a way to communicate. Well for some it's become another way to just ruin a good thing.

Well thanks to several idiots out there who now use that as a way to send SPAM and or self promotion of their own blog.

What has this world called the Internet come to? If it wasn't for SPAM, Virus, Trojans, Cheating, and Pop Ups. The Internet would be a great place to communicate. Instead we have to deal with each and every item mentioned above from day to day when just trying to read, game, or communicate with others when using the Internet.

I was getting multiple comments day after day from the same places only promoting their own blog, too bad that it takes morons such as this to cause everyone to shut off their comments to minimize the amount of spam that was being caused by it.

It is one thing to stop by someone's blog and comment and say good things or bad for that matter, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but to use everyone within a community to sale products or redirect others to their own blog to try to make a buck or to fill the administrators email up with constant posts always stating the same things, just becomes ridiculous.

So for anyone that was or looking at my blog on a routine basis and maybe even for a good argument. I'm sorry to report that I've since shut off comments so it seems you'll have to keep your remarks to yourself because of those few A-Holes that love nothing more than causing havoc on someone else's blog or the Internet as a whole.

You can't post an email address anywhere without constant spam, you can't have comments on your blog because of spam, you can't browse web sites without pop ups, you get redirected to trojans, virus, worms and the like.

Well at least I can say one thing about all of this - it is job security... LOL.