Create Incredible 3D Movies
So I'm sure you've heard about this or seen this on the news and floating around the internet, it was an incredible UFO movie supposedly taken in Haiti.
Pretty incredible huh???
Well it's been found out that this was a complete hoax, but what is more incredible about this hoax is that it was all created with a program you can download and use for free (With a watermark included) or you could purchase it so that the movies are then yours to share and do whatever you like (Without watermark). This program is known as Vue 6.5 (Current Version). Now when looking at this movie the only thing added to the fake is real sounds that were recorded but everything you see within the movie is computer rendered from the trees to the sky, everything.
Now if your interested in trying to create such incredible movies you can download the PLE version which means Personal Learning Edition from here: Vue 6.5 PLE
Now this version and other software on this site can be downloaded for free by clicking on the left link list and picking Personal Learning Edition then filling in your email on the bottom of page and you'll receive an email with a link for downloading the software. This software is Full Version, the only difference is you'll have a watermark in the lower right hand corner, that states it was created with Vue 6.
What is also nice about all of this is you can teach yourself how to become a 3D animator or movie maker at your own pace and by searching the net I'm sure there are tons of tutorials to teach you step by step. This software is used by many professionals for doing things you see in commercials, movies, games, you name it. If you look on YouTube where my link goes above you'll see several other movies the same individual created depicting UFOs over several other supposed islands.
I hope you enjoyed this new post and I'm waiting to see what you people start creating with this newly found tool. From time to time I'll be posting items I find free or open source on the net for those wanting to do things without digging into that wallet and are usually incredible tools for learning a particular genre...
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