A8N and SATA CDR and DVDR lock ups???
What is funny about all of this is my brother built my ultimate PC that I posted earlier about and he got a Plextor 716SA DVDRW. He stated as soon as he placed anything within the drive the whole system would just lock up and that he'd have to eject the media, this happened with an Audio CD, and a Game CD.
Well the wheels in my head started turning again and I thought about something I ran into a while back. I had Alcohol 120% installed on my PC and had about 5 Virtual Drives set up and any time I'd try using Roxio Media Creator 7 my whole system did this exact same thing. The funny thing about this problem was there was nothing to be found on the internet about this, at least a cure, but many had the same kinds of issues. I came along and saved the day for Roxio and you may even find my cure on their site within their support forum for this.
I thought of the AutoPlay feature that is on all Windows Systems. What you have to do is go to Start then Run and type gpedit.msc which will bring up the Group Policy Editor. Once you make it into this little guy. You go to the User Configuration area and click on the Administrative Template and highlight System. On the right side you will see many items you can enable and disable. You will see one called Turn Off Autoplay. Double click this item and pick Enabled, in the window below this option is a drop down for choosing CD ROM Drives or All Drives, choose one, then Apply and OK. Once this has been done when you enter any media into your drive it will not be Auto read and the Autoplay feature is now disabled.
I'm not sure why this was ever a problem or issue but I think I'm the only person to ever even think of this as a cure especially for the Roxio problem. I attached to my brother via NetMeeting and he shared the old desktop for me and I went through this process for him and now his system no longer locks up when entering media into his new SATA DVDRW drive.
He hasn't tried burning anything yet so I'm sure other problems will arise and I'll post anything that comes up as updates to this.
The only thing about turning this off is now when you enter say that new game CD you just bought you won't get the Install screen instead you'll have to open up Explorer and double click on your drive and then it will Autoplay and you won't get that damn nag screen anymore about what do you want to do now that blank media has been inserted, it just acts like nothing is there. It is and can be explored and autoplayed if double clicked on in Explorer.
I hope this post helps anyone with the Roxio and Alcohol problem with Virtual Drives and possibly help those wanting that new shiny Plextor SATA DVDRW drive or any SATA CDROM or DVDROM device on their new Nforce 4 motherboard.