Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The End... Outsourcing Wins Again.

Here we are again, back to the unemployment lines with most of the US and now simply a statistic for the month of March and failed US jobs and the failed economy.

Well as of March 1st our jobs were not renewed, this all started with a month to month schedule after the new year and a knowledge transfer to our Indian counterparts. Our jobs have been outsourced to India folks. The end of another era for me. My first long term IT job lasted almost 9 years and this current one almost 2 years, short by just a couple weeks.

So as a contractor, 11 years of my life wasted for nothing more than a pay check in return, which I'm not complaining about, but no full time positions offered by the companies that I had worked for or other benefits, such as pension funds and the like. That usually is the goal of working as a contractor is that a company appreciates your work and time put in and brings you in full time for a bit of job security over being just a disposable worker (Contractor).

I had never been late and never missing a single day, and never took any vacation days within those 11 years. Well excuse me, except 3 vacation days taken for the death of my mother. With all of that said it turns out that I had both jobs ended because of outsourcing.

With the current economy who wants to pay the kinds of salaries we make to do our jobs in the IT sector? Now knowing that working in IT, this is usually the departments hit first in corporate America for cut backs and lay offs, only because they usually have the largest expenditures on most budgets.

Now with that said lets just say, "You do get what you pay for", and only time will tell with this next round and this companies first plunge into outsourcing.

The first round or job lost, my previous employer, now 3 years into their outsourcing routine. They have come to realize that outsourcing was the wrong way to go and it is failing miserably and getting worse day by day. Now for this company just taking the plunge, they will also follow that same routine. It seems these things always run on a 3-5 year cycle. Only time will tell if they go down the same path as other companies have in recent years in our general location and in the IT sector.

I started out in IT to get away from manual labor work which I had done for far too many years, it was finally nice to use my brain rather than bronze to get by. I can probably look forward to getting a job for much less but doing much more either in IT again or possibly heading back into the manual labor force, since our government is going to create 4 million jobs that will pay no more than 10-12 dollars an hour to kill yourself in a so called infrastructure job. Yeah I've worked my last 11 years to look forward to this kind of work again... NOT!!!

For now I'll sit back and collect for a while and finally take my vacation I've never taken, sure I won't really be going anywhere or traveling, but it will be simply some time off to reflect and maybe put some more posts out here on my blog.

Hope you enjoyed my latest entry and with nothing but time maybe I'll get my ass out here to post some more posts for your reading enjoyment.


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